Pool Warriors

123th Roundstreet, Pekanbaru.

000 123 456 789

Opening : Mon-Fri 08:00 - 17:00

New Pool-owner Orientation

Home /New Pool-owner Orientation

New Pool-owner Orientation

Starting at $199

This service is for anyone who wants to learn how to take care of their own pool. The training is hands- on with your equipment so no need to find a YouTube video with your specific equipment. We have two levels of training based on what you want to know.

Introductory: Parts of your pool system and what they do, how to operate your pool, what the chemicals do to your water and to you, basic cleaning. 

Advanced: How to test your pool’s water, how to calculate what chemicals to add, flow calculations, filter cleaning, equipment maintenance. 

Our Process

Our Service Workflow


Make an Appointment

We will respond quickly to set up an appointment to see the pool


We will assess your needs and provide you with a quote. Same day service may be available.


Payment Process

Recurring services are automatically billed prior to the month. No maintenance charges without your knowledge. No contracts - cancel anytime.